A full and engaging programme has been planned for GeoCart'2024. The format will follow a similar schedule to past conferences. Two Keynote addresses will be held each day in the main auditorium. Morning and afternoon presentations will be split between concurrent sessions. Other highlights include the NZCS Map Awards and a big map and cartographic book giveaway (pack an extra bag to take some goodies home)!
Wednesday evening will feature the Ice Breaker reception, this year to be held at the The Old Bailey. The Gala Dinner will commence on Thursday at 6 pm at Dockside. On Friday, to conclude the week, will be a special session commemorating the centennial of the NZ Geographic Board.
GeoCart conferences are a wonderful venue to meet and get to know New Zealand's cartographic and geospatial community. Come join us and experience all the great things on offer at GeoCart'2024.
The full schedule for the conference is available in website timetable and PDF formats. Programming blocks are fixed but the order and timing of individual presentations may be adjusted if necessary.
During the conference, be sure to check the online timetable on your mobile device for the most up-to-date schedule available.
Ice Breaker

A social gathering to kick off the conference in style. Come, break the ice and get to know your fellow conference attendees! Enjoy an evening of drinks and nibbles in the friendly and relaxed atmosphere of The Old Bailey.
Venue: | The Old Bailey | 101 Lambton Quay, Wellington |
Date: | Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 18:00 - 20:00 |
Entry: | Full 3-Day or Ice Breaker ticket required |
Gala Dinner

The Gala Dinner for GeoCart'2024 will be held at Dockside Restaurant and Bar on Wellington's beautiful waterfront. Join us for an evening of excellent company and dining.
Venue: | Dockside Restaurant and Bar | Shed 3 Queens Wharf, Wellington |
Date: | Thursday, 22 August 2024, 18:00 - 23:00 |
Entry: | Full 3-Day or Gala Dinner ticket required |
Programme Coordinators
- Antoni Moore - University of Otago (NZ)
- Mairéad de Róiste - Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)